Monday, December 22, 2008

The Christmas Orb

More and more astronomical scholars are bucking tradition to state their belief that the Star of Bethlehem - also known as the Christmas Star - was not a star at all, but a red ascending orb of the 2nd magnitude. Some think such a pronouncement a little far-fetched, reasoning it's far more likely the Jewel of Bethlehem to have been an ascending orb of the 3rd magnitude at most. And I'm inclined to believe them.But no matter what religion you ascribe to, I think we can all agree that the glorious Orb of Bethlehem revealed to all mankind the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior, through whom all good things come.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Orbs Discovered

We here at Haunted World knew it was only a matter of time before Wall Street and Madison Avenue cashed in on the ever-growing orb craze sweeping Main Street.
In a ground-breaking TV commercial (which premiered this past November) a college hipster goes on a stroll with Bright Idea, the glib Discover Card orb.Oddly, the character Bright Idea is seen by the skeptical collegiate as an untrustworthy shill for Discover Card, and the orb is forced to take a polygraph test in order to validate its claims of a Cashback Bonus of between 5% and 20%.
Interestingly, we never see if the golden orb actually passes the "lie detector" test.
As was done with the cavemen characters from the once-amusing GEICO car insurance commercials, a sitcom featuring the talkative golden orb is in the works at ABC in which Bright Idea is revealed to be the tormented soul of the long deceased father of the college hipster.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Orbs of Fury

Bruce Lee is now and will forever be the epitome of Asian Cool, even more so than Kevin Costner at the height of his short-lived popularity.

LITTLE KNOWN FACT: Bruce Lee's son Brandon is buried beside his father's grave in a casket shaped like a crow. No one knows the significance of the odd, bird-shaped deathbox.

LITTLE KNOWN FACT #2: The two orbs often seen floating over Bruce Lee's grave belong to Elias & Melissa Steiner of Aloha, OR.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Am Not An Orb

Richard Milhous Nixon's controversial campaign to cleanse the White House grounds of both ultra-clear and waterclear orbs seemed a miscalculation for the first few weeks of its deployment, then grew to become one of the shining successes of his ill-fated administration.
In this rare photograph, two lingering orbs can be made out hovering near the oft-maligned President.

Photo Courtesy Presidential Orb Archive 2008 ©

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hold-Over Orbs

The large number of orbs found in photographs of President Lyndon Baines Johnson have always been thought to be hold-overs from the Kennedy administration, though there is no hard evidence to support this.

Photo Courtesy Presidential Orb Archive 2008 ©

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Occam's Razor Nicks Orb

When it comes to dissecting orbs, Occam's Razor has grown awfully dull.
Better throw out the rusty blade, Dr. Skeptic J. McScience, and start employing some new tools. Might I suggest some open-minded calipers and a faith-based microscope.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

First Orbs of Winter

A friend of this blog who is currently studying abroad (attending classes at the prestigious Norwich Puppet Theatre) sent in this provocative pic asking if I could be any help identifying which of these were actual orbs and which were but common snow flakes. It would be my pleasure.

(PERSONAL NOTE: I would advise against catching orbs on my tongue if I were you, as my dog Laddie severely burnt his lips, nose and tongue in attempting the same trick.)

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Wind and the Lion and the Orbs

A lot of people dismiss orbs as an unfortunate artifact of the modern digital camera, contending that orbs never used to show up in prints made from old-school film cameras.

Oh, really?

Photo Courtesy Presidential Orb Archive 2008 ©

Sunday, November 30, 2008

"Twilight" of the Orbs

Here are a couple of pics from the blustery, rain-soaked location shoot of "Twilight." Sent in by Jillie Kamen-Hauser, a rabid fan of both the sexy teen vampire series and this modest bloodless blog, she had the much-envied opportunity of visiting Kalama, WA during the recent production of this era-defining movie.
A keen eye will notice the subtle movement of orbs between shots.
You don't have to have a keen eye to notice that between shots Robert "Edward Cullen" Pattinson has decided to launch into his much-practiced (and completely perfected, I must say) brow-shadowed glower.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Last Night's Orb Bliss

When it comes to real-time orb-spotting, it seems like I'm always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

So, you can imagine my surprise and delight as, after dinner last night with my good friends Chip and Leonetta Mueller (at the Ruby's Diner at South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa), I saw my first ever ascending column of orbs.

It was breathtaking and somewhat unreal.

As we stood at the top of the escalator, just before the exit door to the Bridge of Gardens, I could do nothing more than gawk and marvel.

It was a good thing Leonetta had the presence of mind to snap these two sensational pics with her cell phone - because Chip and I were too far gone.

The cluster of semi-transparent orbs boiled up out of the floor, rising slowly, all the while remaining in a strict column - as if contained by an invisible tube.

No single one of them ever touched its neighbor, as each waterclear orb seemed to instinctively know the exact location of every other orb as they elegantly swirled and rose.

Upon reaching the high ceiling, each orb hesitated for only the briefest of moments before popping through the obstruction and disappearing from sight.

So intoxicated were we at observing such an enchanting spectral ballet that we stood around at the top of that escalator excitedly rehashing the experience for the greater part of an hour-and-a-half, then retired to Chip's Toyota Scion xD in the parking lot, where we continued to talk expansively for the next hour and 20 mins.

The spell of that night has yet to be broken.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Orbs, Je T'aime

Paris, the Eternal City of Broken Dreams, is often the locus of classic orb migration, as demonstrated in this startling snapshot taken just over a week ago.

Cataloging her collection of travel pics, the photographer misidentified the large orb as the moon - and didn't even take note of the 2nd smaller (yet more significant) orb.

This is not the first time Paris has muddled the brain - or the heart!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Boy and His Orb

10-year-old Avri Cabel of Mound City, KS sends us (or rather his mother Irene sends us) this wonderful drawing depicting himself and three of the five orbs that accompany him around through life.

Thanks to both of you. What a great addition to this site!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Orbs are a Girl's Best Friend

While cataloging my extensive collection of PRESIDENTIAL ORBS, I came across a couple of pics that are only presidential by association. Here is one such.

Photo Courtesy Presidential Orb Archive 2008 ®

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Orbs of "Twilight"

With the eagerly awaited "Twilight" opening tomorrow I thought this would be a great time to share with you some amazing orb pics sent in by Corwin R. Morgan and Cindy Shannon.

Thanks guys!!!

The first one is of Robert "Edward Cullen" Pattinson at a Meet & Greet (or a poster signing or some such) at the Hot Topic at the Lehigh Valley Mall in Whitehall, PA.

The second one was taken at a surprise appearance of Robert "Edward Cullen" Pattinson at Montgomery Middle School in Montgomery, Texas.

I don't know if it's his association with "Twilight," or some personal affinity to the afterlife, but Mr. Pattinson is often accompanied by a number of balls of glowing ectoplasm.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Are Orbs Anyway?

rbs are "LOST SOULS" in the form of brilliant balls of super-condensed light.
Orbs are the most common spectral anomaly caught by so-called "ghost hunters."

Orbs can be wispy and vague - or appear in a dazzling hyper-real solid form.

Ghosts prefer the form of an orb because it takes less energy to manifest than a full torso apparition.

Yes, it seems even ghosts are
"going green" these days!

An Orb Discovery

The staircase leading to the upper dining area at Disneyland's exclusive Club 33 is an excellent venue for taking pics of waterclear orbs.

I found this pic to be most amazing.

When this image was enlarged we made an exciting discovery. A ghostly image? Or is it my imagination? This was the most striking find of the day.

This orb was found in Disneyland's Club 33 on November 9th, 2008

Two More Orbs

Several extraordinary orbs were discovered as we descended the staircase after luncheon at Disneyland's exclusive Club 33. The lower orb is believed to be the soul of TV's Fess Parker, beloved to millions as Davy Crocket and/or Daniel Boone.

These orbs were found in Disneyland's Club 33 on November 9th, 2008

Not an Orb

Sometimes, in our lusty enthusiasm, we can mistake everyday objects as being of a supernatural origin. I am afraid I have been guilty of this as much as anyone.This orb-like image was found in Disneyland's Club 33 on November 9th, 2008

More Orbs

This pic was taken while luncheoning in the famous "Trophy Room" at Disneyland's exclusive Club 33. Though most of the trophies have been removed at the Disney family's request, we "bagged" a few trophies of our own - these three magnificent glowing orbs.

We couldn't help but ponder as to whether the orbs might be the disembodied souls of Disney film stars of yesteryear - luminaries such as Julie Andrews, Haley Mills, or Tim Allen.

These orbs were found in Disneyland's Club 33 on November 9th, 2008

The Second of the Orbs

Like "hidden mickeys," spectral orbs are not always that easy to find. But once you've found one, it's easy to get caught up in the desire to find more. It can be intoxicating.

And speaking of intoxication, alcohol is not served anywhere in the Disneyland theme park except here inside the exclusive Club 33, its unassuming entrance located next door to the much less exclusive Blue Bayou restaurant.

This orb was found in Disneyland's Club 33 on November 9th, 2008

The First of the Orbs

After a delightful day at the Disneyland theme park in Anaheim, CA - which included an elegant luncheon at the exclusive Club 33 - I was reviewing my pics, when I noticed that a great many of them included magnificently proportioned orbs.

I had not been looking for orbs. They simply jumped out at me. I was astonished. But I shouldn't have been. Club 33 has seen its share of life and death over the years. Mostly death.

These orbs were found at Disneyland's Club 33 on November 9th, 2008