Thursday, December 4, 2008

Hold-Over Orbs

The large number of orbs found in photographs of President Lyndon Baines Johnson have always been thought to be hold-overs from the Kennedy administration, though there is no hard evidence to support this.

Photo Courtesy Presidential Orb Archive 2008 ©


johnthebigfoot said...

I agree with your theory that the orbs are a holdover from the previous Kennedy administration. Is it just a coincedence that several orbs appear over the "grassy knoll" in the Zapruder film?

pkb said...

Don't even go there. Don't go there or they will shut this blog down in a hummingbird's heartbeat.

You may think I'm paranoid, but I've seen it happen too many times in recent months to believe it won't happen here. I saw first hand what happened to Terrence Morgano's blog, "Orbs of 9/11," and heard through the grapevine about what they did to Tina McKanner and her blog, "The Miracle of the Orbs of Lourdes: Finally Revealed." Frightening stuff.